Sunday, January 16, 2011

Love and Tears


new post lagi tok arini. Kali ini aku nak kongsi sikit sal feelings. Last week aku ada terjumpa a pic from someone's facebook then i took it. 

I read the text then and the end of it, i thought about someone. I seriously think that maybe I've fall in love again. Ah how good that feeling. Unfortunately, after a few research I found out about something that make me feel down and my heart is broken. I shed a few tears because of it. 

Just nak cakap yang aku rasa aku ada masalah hati la. Aku pernah consult dengan kawan2 aku tentang apa yang aku rasa. Dorang bagi brilliant suggestion and consolation. They are very good friends. Untuk Dongsaeng and Chingu ku, aku rasa aku tak nak suka kat N lagi coz dia dah ada GF. Tak baik kan!! so sebelum beria2 suka baik undur diri,kang merana badan.

So tak nak sedih lagi macam ni :

Kita happy kan diri kita n make faces like all the princess do. Be happy!!!! :D

Thank you. Bye3

1 comment:

  1. I understand my Noona!! Keep your faith and be strong. I always believe that there are someone out there who will be waiting for us... :)

    p/s: ttibe rse dlm bnyk2 princess kat gmba tuh, aku yg kne lanyak tu..hahahaha... sape ek? Alice ea??


Their words